What we do?
Improve the Living Conditions in the Society
GSF aims to significantly reduce the entrenched culture of silence which affects a larger population of the youth and other vulnerable groups (women) in our society and ensure their development through advocacy to promote participation and rural empowerment so as to strengthen human capital development as a vehicle for sustainable peace and development in the region.
Our Vision
To envision strong, healthy, and well-protected communities where economic, social, and emotional development is achieved.
Our Mission
To protect and improve the quality of life for vulnerable children, women, and adolescent boys and girls through ongoing advocacy, community education, and response to gender-based violence issues by reducing stigma and discrimination in communities through the utilization of available local resources and structures.
Thematic Areas
Child Protection
Education in Emergency
Peace Building
Health & Nutrition
Our Impact
Case Management
Our Work

Child Protection

Gender Based Violence