
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Health and Nutrition” heading_tag=”h3″ margin_design_tab_text=””]

Strategy Objectives: To improve health and nutrition outcomes in target communities through a multi-sectoral approach.


GSF’s 5-year strategy with the objective of enhancing health and nutrition outcomes in target communities through a multi-faceted approach. The problem of inadequate access to healthcare and nutritious food, along with unhealthy practices and behaviors, is a significant concern in these communities. The planned interventions include improving access to healthcare services and delivery, promoting healthy eating habits, improving access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities, engaging in behaviour change communication to encourage healthy practices, and promoting optimal feeding practices for infants and young children. Collaboration with relevant government agencies, local communities, and other development actors is essential for the successful implementation of the strategy, which will be monitored and evaluated for its effectiveness. The ultimate aim of the strategy is to reduce the spread of illness, enhance access to healthcare and nutritious food, and promote healthy behaviors and practices

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